Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Still Reading

I mainly started this blog so that friends and family can keep up with the family. We are all so far away and it seemed like a good way to let them stay current.

But....there always is one, a but.

I have turned into an avid blog reader. I have found so many awesome people's blogs. I read them daily. I even comment on some. So now I am wondering if my blog is really just a place to list all of the blogs I like to read.

I'm not sure. I am not a college graduate that has the awesome writing abilities that these bloggers have.

SO for now....I am still Reading. And if I can ever figure out how to make a blog list I will!!

Much Love and God Bless


Tristie Fischer said...

Thanks for the link... but more than that, thanks for reading my gab. Welcome to the world of blogging. Don't sell yourself short. Just have fun blogging your thoughts. You'll find a niche. Looking forward to reading more.

Robin Meadows said...

Hey...thanks for the link love. Found you from your comment on Anna's page---thanks for reading her stuff! How'd you find us??

Looking forward to your thoughts here.

Robin Meadows said...

PS - not a college grad either....writing abilities? hahahaha