I spent my weekend pretty much relaxing at home with my family. On Sunday, my husband attempted to kill me with some exercise. To hear that story I am inviting you to please join me at Wordpress where I have moved my blog too.
My new friend Roxanne at Sharing Notes and I have been disappointed that we don't get emotioncons. We have both looked into Wordpress and I made the leap. I wasn't quite sure what a widget was but I think I have figured it out.
I hope you all come over and see me there. :) Please :)
At Wordpress those would be yellow smiley faces.
I have relocated to:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sorry Everybody......I Moved
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It is about 10 o'clock at night.
The kids are asleep.
I am kind of tired.
I am thinking about things.
Things are alright in life.
There are some good things going on.
There are some not so good things going on.
My Life isn't a bed of roses.
I can honestly sit here and say that I am Happy!
Are You?
If not is there anything I can do to help?
Feel free to email me if you want to talk privately.
Most of the time Happiness is just a choice you have to make.
What choice are you going to make?
Happiness or Something Else?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Forgiveness - ReRun
I first posted this in March, after doing serveral posts about my mom and then my father. I had wanted to cover forgiveness before moving on to other things. I noticed in the advice my mother gave me yesterday that she is concerned about me falling into a pit of dispair and unforgivness. And while I am glad for the warning, I feel that I have dealt with some of the issues that she has not.
I do know that I have some new readers who probably have not read the story of my mother. If you are interested it is 4 parts and in the month of March. The story of my father is also interesting it is only 3 parts and also in March.
There was one other bit of advice in the previous post that I was surprised nobody hit on. I don't agree with my mother that I am suppose to let God worry about other people's faith. I feel that we are all called to GO and teach others about Jesus. I may cover that in a future post.
Thanks for letting me unload my baggage. If you have been around awhile you can stop reading now. :)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I plan on writing more about my life soon. My Grammy was my best mentor/mother/friend in my childhood, actually in my life. She has been gone for 14 years now but I still hear her telling me how to bring my life to the feet of Jesus. How no matter what I have done my Abba Father would still love me and accept me. Where as it brought up some feelings of resentment telling my mom’s story and feelings of great grief to talk about my dad. When I tell my story about my Grammy I will be full of laughter, love and pride.
I thought that before I moved on to happier aspects of my life I would first talk about forgiveness. We know that when we confess our sins to the Lord that he forgives our sins. That the slate is washed clean with Jesus’ blood.
Oh, what a joy for those
whose disobedience is forgiven,
Whose sins are put out of sight.
Yes, what a joy for those
whose record the Lord has cleared of sin. – Romans 4:7-8
How come it is harder to forgive others sin against us than it is for God to forgive our sins against him? Am I the only one that has at one time or another been stuck on the hamster wheel of holding someone’s sins over their heads? Unable to forgive them for an action that hurt me? What about when you love the person and they hurt you? Break your trust? Use you? How easy is it to just turn the other cheek and say “I forgive you”?
What is Forgiveness? What is the true definition of it?
1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
2. To renounce anger or resentment against.
It took me a long time to really understand the depth of walking away from hurt. That I was suppose to treat that person as if nothing happened. But I also learned that the more unforgiveness I carried around the only one I was hurting was myself. I was stealing time from the Lord who wanted to work in my life. I was missing my blessings because I was stuck in unforgiveness.
One day I woke up and it was like God was sitting on the end of my bed. He was begging me to let him heal me. He told me to seek him first to heal my pain. At that moment I realized that I wanted the life he promised. I realized that I could forgive my mom for not being the best parent. I could forgive my dad for the things that were done to me but most of all for dying.
As I sit here today I reflect back on those things that caused me the most pain and I choose to not be a victim. I choose to be a Princess of my Divine Father! I am reconciled, loved, forgiven and most of all His child. My Heavenly Father Loves ME!!! YEAH!!! Guess what…..He loves all of you too.
Forgiveness is giving up hope
that you can change the past!
Monday, September 15, 2008
I received some advice this evening in a letter. I thought I would share it.
"Since you have chosen a life in religion I would wish only that you remember that God judges, you don't. If you can accept people for what they are, and let God worry about their faith, and their beliefs you will be a happier person. And try to not hold grudges, both of your grandmothers were very unhappy, one reason was their absolute inability to let stuff go, to just start over with people or situations and try again, If there is any pit you might fall into, that is it. Forgive, try again, move on."
This letter also had a statement that caught me off guard.
"First off, I am proud of the way you have decided to live your life. I feel like I have contributed something to the world that is good and not bad. If you get to almost 60 and see it that way, you will be blessed. Many Don't."
The final statement that I will share of this letter:
"Don't forget, we are survivors. Your dad taught you how to hang out and find friends. I taught you to work and to survive. You got the best of both worlds."
I think my mom had a lucid moment and actually just like said she was proud of me and complimented how I live my life. She even gave me advice about forgiveness. She has done none of these things for at least 20 years.
I'm thinking her letter makes up for sleeping through my 40th birthday.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
40 By 40...Goal Achieved
Saturday is my 40th Birthday. I was born Friday the 13th in September of 1968. So people have asked me how does it feel to be middle-aged? Are you ready for a Mid-Life Crisis? Wrinkles? Menopause? Your Biological Clock Stopping Ticking?(that person really doesn't know me...LOL) I suppose I am ready for all of those things.
I am not someone that is dreading my 40's. I am actually thinking this is going to be one of the best decades of my life! My children will become adults. My life will become more mine and less theirs and my father in laws. I am looking forward to friendships with my children. I am looking forward to more freedom. I am looking forward to making my husband go places he really doesn't want to go but will because I am going. I want to go on mission trips. I want to see things! I want to enjoy ourselves just the two of us.
OK...Enough of my ramblings. I am sure you will all get to hear more about my dreams and goals later. I would like to show you a goal I met recently. This first picture has been posted before when I first started MY PROJECT in April. I went to a Bon Jovi Concert with some friends. When I got this wonderful picture I really realized that I am a big fat cow. I decided to join Weight Watchers. For those of you that don't know me or can't guess...I am in the purple.
One of my goals was to lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday. I achieved that goal Wednesday at weigh in. Alot of you have been very supportive and I hadn't posted an update in a long time. I still have 20 more pounds in my total weight-loss goal. For now I am enjoying this goal. I am having potato salad this weekend. (I hear you Robin...I am going to use light mayo.) My husband wanted me to show you the difference so here I am tonight sitting in my dining room, 40.6 pounds lighter.
Happy Birthday to Me! The hard work has been worth it!Have a great weekend everyone!!! I plan on it!