Monday, June 9, 2008

Devastating News-Jokingly Sorry Deleise!

Tonight Craig and I found out some devastating news. It was quite troubling when it was brought to our attention. I am almost scared to admit it. I hope that it won't change any of your opinions of me. Poor Craig doesn't stand a chance since most of you don't know him.

OK Here goes.....

My 12 year old daughter informed us tonight that we are NOT HIP or COOL!

I know hard to believe. I am still stunned by this. I have always believed myself to be at least a little cool. So here is the reason that this title was bestowed on us.

Hope turns 13 on July 2 and she would like to have a pool party. She wants to invite about 8 girls. I really don't have a problem with that. Then she informed us that she wanted to invite a BOY. Now this isn't a boy that we have known forever and is like a brother to her. This is a boy that all of a sudden at the of the school year I started hearing his name. I don't know him or his parents but most of all...MY DAUGHTER IS 12 AND NOT GOING TO DATE!!!!

So are Craig and I being to UN-HIP? Please I could honestly use your advice.


deleise said...

First of all, shame on you for scaring me! You scared me!

Secondly, if your gut and God are telling you to be unhip, then unhip it is, sister. I don't think you will regret it. And I think Hope will eventually get it, too.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what she said! (little arrow pointing up)

deleise said...

You're funny. Thanks for adding me to your frightening title. Not so scary now. You are forgiven.

Danielle said...

you are way cool!!!!! Tell Hope she is being way un cool ;)!

Anonymous said...

and she wants to invite "a" boy, as in 1 (one) boy? Yikes, no boy is that brave. Hey, no worries about the not being cool, neither am I. Actually, I'm not only not cool, but apparently I'm mean as well. All I had to do is breathe to get that comment.

Roger Garrett said...

remember we are not there to be their friends but their parents. often we have to be the uncool parent

Robin Meadows said...

Cool moms and dads don't let their 12 yo daughters (or sons) date. Period. ; )

Yep, you're cool!

Heidi said...

cool and hip parents
are protective and concerned and
don't give their daughter or sons up at 12.

t- you're hip!!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

You stay un-hip and don't let that girl date.


Vikki said...

my 11.8 yr old son would NEVER go to a girl party, never mind ALONE!

he recently told us he has a 'girlfriend' tho, although we have heard from teachers and other parents that they dont even talk to eachother (???!!!)

I FREAKED OUT INWARDLY!!!! but my calm, Holy Spirit-driven husband wisely used the opportunity to teach him about how to treat women, respectfully, and gave him ground rules for girls who are friends.

My hubby & I come from extremely strict Christian backgrounds and we both rebelled against it as soon as we were old enough. We hope to achieve some kind of balance. We don't want to be super-strict and spark rebellion, but we definitely have NO intention of being permissive. It's going to require a LOT of prayer and we have already been labelled as VERY UNCOOL!

We feel cant stop them from interacting at school, but we can teach him to be wise and kind and respectful. He is absolutely not allowed to DATE her tho!!!

Amy said...

I'm late to this party, but I think it is cool and hip to be late.

There is no such thing as an un-hip Mama with a zippy car like yours. I won't hear of it. You can tell Hope Miss Amy said so. And then tell her Miss Amy (who did not get her first kiss 'till 18) also said, "No boys!".