Monday, March 3, 2008

A Tithe Question

I want to put this question out there for all of you smart people. I was asked this question by a friend of mine.

"Since I tithe 10% of my GROSS do I have to tithe on my tax return? My return is money that was taken out of my check that I have already tithed on."

I can see where she is coming from but to be honest I have never thought of it as double tithing. It comes into the house it gets tithed. I also hate the "HAVE TO" part of the question. I "WANT TO" tithe. It is an awesome feeling. I also regularly support other ministries and have a couple Compassion kids.

I am curious of your opinions on this.

Do you tithe your tax returns??


deleise said...

We tithe 10% of our gross, which means that tithe has already been taken from our returns. We give offerings above that tithe based on God's leading, but it is not neccesarily a set percentage. Does that make sense?

Roger Garrett said...

If you can't give it joyfully than don;t give it. If they feel they have already tithed on the money then they should listen to their hearts. Maybe God is telling them to use it for something else

Robin Meadows said...

We don't get a return...but I agree with Roger. If the question has to be asked.....

Heidi said...

We tithe off our gross income too. We still tithe our taxes too, why? it shows faith. We have had many financial struggles lately, but NOT once has a bill been late or not paid. God is faithful. But I do believe it's a personal choice that your friend needs to make.

Theresa said...

Thank you all for your opinions. She was very pleased with your answers. It is great to have a base of great people to ask questions like that too.