Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Spiritual Diet Struggle

So… you know when you go on a diet and it is really easy to give up certain foods. Then there are other foods that you just can’t get stop craving. I know this will sound crazy to most of you but I have no problem giving up chocolate and sweets. My big problem is French Fries. Love them!

I really don’t believe in diets. I believe in lifestyle changes. When you diet you lose weight and when you stop dieting you gain it back. When you make a lifestyle change you train yourself to no longer eat the things that are bad for you. Therefore you usually keep the weight off and are healthier.

I really see our “love walk” the same way. When you are born again things start to change in you. You start to see where you sin. You start to acknowledge bad attitudes and pitfalls in your life. You start to hear God’s voice in your heart. You start desiring to be more Christ like.

Were you may have looked at someone on the street holding a sign asking for money and thought to yourself “Get a Job”. You probably don’t now. In fact you may even roll down your car window and give them some money. You learn love, tolerance, humility, compassion, patience, etc. Here again as with dieting, you may find that you can change some things so easily and struggle to get rid of other bad qualities (learned habits).

The purpose of this post is to tell you about one of my spiritual diet struggles. I am not proud of it and it really sucks when I am in the middle of doing it and I hear God in my heart telling me to knock it off. I know that I have gotten better but I also know that I have a long, long way to go.

So here goes….I don’t Like my Fellow Drivers. I think people drive very badly! Here are just a few of my complaints.

1. We live in the USA. We drive on the Right side of the road. The Gas pedal is the RIGHT one. So basically it is really easy to find. Push down on the pedal that is closest to the center of the car and it will GO.

2. Green Lights mean GO. Not sit there talking on your cell phone. Not staring at the cars across the intersection. I just simply means GO.

3. Options are things on cars that all cars may not have. Blinkers are standard equipment. Learn to use them. Push it done to go Left, Push it up to go Right. Also if you smoke opt to get an ashtray for your vehicle. I really don’t think throwing light cigarettes out the car window is a great idea.

4. The last of my major issues is just because I drive a Miata doesn’t mean I want to drag race. Of course most of the people that want to race don’t Go on the green and are still trying to find the gas pedal. So I win by default.

My daughter Hope is a sweet girl that is to smart for her britches sometimes but I wouldn’t change it. I know that God works through her on this issue of me not “Liking my Fellow Drivers”. I drive her around the most so she likes to point things out to me like “Mom she is your sister in Christ. Don’t be upset that she doesn’t know how to drive.” My response usually goes something like this. “Peanut, I love her. I just don’t particularly like her skills.” She just smiles.

I remember once she wanted me to get a really pretty fish car emblem for my car. I told her that when I drive I am not the best witness to my faith. Don’t get me wrong I don’t yell at people, race up on their bumpers or flip them the bird. I just struggling with their driving shortcomings. I am sure that there are things about me that cause people to struggle with my shortcomings.

So this week I am reminding myself everyday:

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT)

What I am begging of you my blogging friends that don’t drive the roads that I do is to please pray for me-

30 Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me. Do this because of your love for me, given to you by the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:30 (NLT)

Thanks for all who listened to me grumble. Man it feels good to get all of that off my chest! I owe you all a happy, funny post next time.


Anonymous said...

You are funny. My mother gets irritated like that, too. I just say, "Bless their hearts." Which really translates into "What an idiot."

Have a great, happy driving day, Theresa!

Roger Garrett said...

This is one of my weaknesses too. I can't stand drivers most of the time. You post also reminded me of Colossians 3:22-23
obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,

Kim Heinecke said...

funny! I fear I may be one of those people you're talking about. ha/ha. Where'd you say you live?...okay, I'm safe.

Enjoyed this one!

Robin Meadows said...

This makes me laugh...You must be my husband's younger sister! Your daughter sounds like me ; ).

deleise said...

Deep breaths, Theresa, deep breaths. ;)