Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hope and Her New Dream

Once a year I become the only girl in my household. My daughter goes to camp at Alliance Redwoods. This is where she asked Jesus into her heart last year.

It has been a hard couple of weeks with Hope. She has decided that she wants to follow a path in her life that her father doesn't support. I personally am not real pleased with it either but I handle things differently than Craig. Craig is one that just says no. I am one that wants her to try and find out for herself that it isn't as wonderful as she thought it would be. My sweet little girl wants to be an actress. I am not sure where this desire has come from. I think that she likes Zac Ephron a little too much and thinks that if she is an actress then they can get married. How many little girls do you know that want to be actresses?

I think what bothers me the most about her announcement is that in the last month I have noticed that she is drifting further and further away from her youth group and her desire to be involved. She is shy and has decided that her brother is the chosen favorite child. Which is the furthest thing from the truth. Hope is one of the few people that I never tire of being with. To be perfectly honest if you lined up the people in my house and said to me that I had to pick someone, take them and leave forever. I choose Hope. She is such a special soul.

My prayer this week is that Jesus reminds her of who she is in him. That she remembers that she is his princess. That she remembers that she is always my Chosen One. But way before that she was His Chosen One!!

If you have extra room in your prayer list please add my peanut. I can't imagine her losing her faith at 13.

Thanks for listening to a trouble mother. I miss her already and she has only been gone 8 hours!!


Anonymous said...

Don't know really want to tell you, friend, since I don't have a file on this :)

BUT, I was a teenage girl some time ago and the one thing that is true is that they change their minds.


Love and hugs.

deleise said...

Absolutely praying for sweet Hope. I hope this is a wonderful week of spiritual growth for her!

Robin Meadows said...

One word----PRAY! ; )

I'm betting that she sees her mama's faith and decides (at some point) to choose the BEST for her own life!

Oh, and tell Craig telling her no will just make her want to do it more! LOL

There's LOTS of time left for her to change her mind. (and heart) ;)

Robin Meadows said...

Oh, and BTW, she's GORGEOUS!!

Susan said...

Your heartfelt desire to have her continue with her faith brought me to tears. She is on my prayer list.

Natalie Witcher said...

I agree with Cindy. I'll be praying for her.

Deborah said...

You know the great thing about don't lose it. You might put it on the shelf for a while and walk away from it, but in the back of your mind, you know it's there. You might go back and dust it off, remember how it felt to carry it with you everywhere. You might put it back. But one day, you pick it up and never leave without it again. I'll be praying for you and Hope and your family. I've got teenagers that seemed to have put their faith away for awhile...but I saw my son dust his off just this past week.

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile, but when I was a teenager I can remember that my mind changed constantly and everything was way more dramatic than it should be. (Of course you can't tell a teenager this.) Thirteen is such a crazy age. She'll get past it. Camp will probably be really good for her. (I'll probably need this reminder when my daughter is thirteen. She's only two.)

Heidi said...

Cindy has it pegged..

ALOT.. She'll change her mind a million times. I'm sure camp will stir her soul.

Well that's what I am praying about.

Why aren't you here yet?