Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lead or Follow?

When Moses led his people out of Egypt the Bible says that they followed a pillar of cloud by day and the Lord provided a light at night with a pillar of fire. At that time the people followed the Lord.


Do we still? Or do we expect Him to follow us cleaning up our messes or responding to our every call?

I pray in the mornings for the journeys that I am suppose to take during the day. I pray for safety, good traffic and an even temper. I pray that we all make it home at the end of our days Happy, Healthy and Safely. Some mornings the Lord talks to me and I make adjustments to my plans or remember things that I am suppose to do and forgot about. Those are the days where I really feel Lord Led.

Then there are the days where I hear the voice but do what I want anyway. I ignore the things that I should have done and forgot about. I dilly dally the day away. Then when I get home I am irritable, frustrated and behind in what needs to be done. I pray to the Lord to give me the energy that I need to complete the tasks that I need to get done. The tasks that would have been done had I listened to begin with.

So in your relationship with the Lord....Who Leads?

Do you try and Lead Him? Or Do you let Him lead You?


Kim Heinecke said...

This is absolutely right on. Too often God is my spare tire and not my steering wheel. Then I'm wrecked...

Sarah Markley said...

Thank you, theresa for your sweet comment and prayers. she feels a little better but doesn't sound better. =( we're staying on the couch this morning.

deleise said...

I think I do a little of both. Yikes.

Vikki said...

thanks :)

I've been lurking, just not posting or commenting. Still havent really figured out why but I think God is definitely nudging me towards something and I've decided I def need to be posting !!!

Sarah Markley said...

Way to go Theresa! Thanks for your cool comment this morning. Keep it up - long term stuff is never easy!!

Yes, Hope is feeling a little better today. Thank you for asking.

I however, woke up with a headache!

Anonymous said...

I suppose you want an honest answer? Drat. Mostly I let Him lead but sometimes when I find myself saying, "Lord, catch up." I realize I'm definitely in the wrong position. I've been reading the Pentateuch over the last two months so the cloud of smoke and pillar of fire have been on my mind a lot. Hope I don't forget, I re-started Joshua last night. :)

Beloved of the Lord said...

I catch myself in times of stress trying to gain control and leadership, but EVERYTHING falls apart -- which is only the Lord's grace gently leading me back to the amazing truth that His leadership is SO much better then mine-- SO MUCH BETTER!!!

Beloved of the Lord said...
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